Chaos & Coffee is geographically located in Montreal, in the province of
Quebec, in Canada.
Michael "The Spike" Houston:
Michael has been close with computers ever since his friend let him play Castle Wolfenstein
on his Apple ][+ computer way back in 1982. Lots of people hate Michael for having such a
knack with fixing computers, even more so because he's self-taught. He firmly believes his
talent with computers comes from all the time he spent learning how to play the countless
video games his friend had without instructions (because they were pirated). "You think
Lotus is hard? Try learning how to play Ultima V without a manual!". Michael
got his nickname "Spike" from High School, where he used to play volleyball during
lunchtime. Although he couldn't play the game well, let alone spike the ball, his
peers still called him Mike the Spike regardless.
Andrew "Delay"
He's not interested in sending me his bio, and you don't want to know what I would
write about him. I will put what was put in our author's bio for one of our Doom wad
releases: "Being the newest Doomer of our group, Andrew's DM morale has suffered an
extensive amount of blows through fragging. This kind of treatment has turned him into
a very cold-hearted opponent, although he still tends to spend too much time typing
chat messages than actually playing (hence his name)."
David "Davinator"
He's not interested in sending me his bio, and you don't want to know what I would
write about him. I will put what was put in our author's bio for one of our Doom wad
releases: "Besides having a fond interest in the fine craftmenship of Black and Deckker
chainsaws, Dave's other talents lie in music and sound recording. He has a hebephrenic
sense of the absurd.