Bring me back to the Dank and Scud Site!
Last modification: Saturday, March 9 1996.
My Apartment: Come in and take a virtual tour of the author's apartment. While you walk around, meet the other
Chaos & Coffee contributors. The original goalof this project was to let anyone send suggestions on how
improve the look of my place...
Coffee Log: A chronicle of the daily adventures of a student living in downtown Montreal. A Coupland wannabe?
We think not. Yet it does change daily- sort oflike a text-based version of the "Fish-Cam", only less eventful.
This has been temporarilydisabled, since it's not getting updated due to work on the My Apartment section.

Busy Signals: An Ode to those who play multiplayer games, escpecially Doom. Its purpose isto facilitate the
search for all the newest drivers, patches and multiplayer games that will allow you to alwayskeep that phone line
Diskspaced: Hot links to ftp sites. Not your regular links, however-- in addition todirecting you to some
pretty nifty pieces of software, you may also find stuff that's rather useless, but "guaranteed to break the ice at
parties!" One more thing-- I like Macs, but...
Contactable Hosts and Hostesses:
Brings you to some very handy and interestinglinks, some of which you'll never find on the Netscape Home Page.
When you're in the mood for astroll, start wandering around in here. Be sure to put on some rubber boots though.

Organic Contributors:
Information on the people who helped contribute to Chaos & Coffee, plus their homepages and email
addresses, just in case you want to let them know how deranged they are. You'll also get to see what they look
like-- sort of.
Inorganic Contributors: You'll find out exactly on what Chaos & Coffee was designed on-- software and
hardware. In addition to this, you'll be able to find all the other About information that doesn't
really fit in elsewhere.